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SpiderForest Comic of the Week:
Cetiya by Leah (aka Mitsukaiten)

Cetiya by Mitsukaiten

Cetiya, in Mitsukaiten’s own words, takes place in “a world where magic is technology, where spells are downloaded as raw data into the body, where the body’s own natural energy is harnessed and used in the execution of such spells via the hardware known as ADEPT.”

This is a series which doesn’t fall neatly into one genre, which for me tends to be a positive. It’s an interesting mix of cyberpunk, military psychodrama, corporate intrigue, with even a sitcom-ish feel at times (“It’s also the story of four people who live in an underground bunker and torment the living hell out of each other, alleviated only by visits from their merchant emissary to Euskadi and occasional trips to the supermarket”), which may actually be its most original (potentially groundbreaking, even) aspect. Certainly one to watch…