Old-sarge, I gave that up ages ago. Mr. Chen’s chock-full of plot twists and cliffies and false information. I’ve discovered that letting the story guide you, instead of guiding the story, is a much better way to flow, trust me.
Hmph, the cycle of Reincarnation, huh? You actually do know a bit about wicca, perhaps.
An interesting concept, somone who wishes to stop the cycle. They can’t make certain that everyone stays alive, so instead, they try to make certain everyone stays dead.
“Welcome back, babe; how was your trip?”
“It sucked ass. You got any beer?”
That must come as a slap to the face, suddenly starting to understand why the Lady does what she does like that.
I give up! I’m not going to try and figure it out.Time to just sit back and enjoy:)
Old-sarge, I gave that up ages ago. Mr. Chen’s chock-full of plot twists and cliffies and false information. I’ve discovered that letting the story guide you, instead of guiding the story, is a much better way to flow, trust me.
False information?
False information???
Hmph, the cycle of Reincarnation, huh? You actually do know a bit about wicca, perhaps.
An interesting concept, somone who wishes to stop the cycle. They can’t make certain that everyone stays alive, so instead, they try to make certain everyone stays dead.
“Young souls nowadasy” BWAHA!
Aha! It was a “trap” for her father (he was given false information from his “source”).
So she was willing to go with her father until she found out but I can’t figure anything out this is definitely my favourite comic