Kiko cant be what he claims.. he gose from wronged victem one second to smooth talking ass kisser the next.. no one switches gears that fast.aged spirt or not.. if it walks like a deamon talks like a deamon and acts like a deamon then its most likely a deamon.. he had his fangs pulled by franc somehow 7 years ago and he’s been looking for a way to get payback ever since… i mean look at the 2 sides of this… one one side we have franc hes tried everything he can think of to make this so called ‘wrong’ right even offered up the body ( which would make him a disenbodied spirt at best) then we have kiko wants only francs death no other offer is even considered.. WHY? what real gain dose he get from this… so he can move on/ if he allow other offers he might find a less nasty way to move on.. but he going with the screw the other guy as hard as i can option only…
I know many people who can go from angry and hateful to asskissing and sugary in less than a second. Admittedly, I’m usually about to go Tambourine Syndrome on them (shake and beat!), but the ability does exist. Its not a matter of demon or non demon, its a matter of sociopathic behavior, playing whatever role will get you to your goal the fastest. Its manipulation at its easiest.
Really captures the essence of the story, doesn’t it?
Yes she can, but it’s a hard chain to break free from, and she may not be fully there yet.
“Never invoke what thou canst not banish.” Kid, you may be better off if she _does_ walk…
Well, at least he’s pleading and flattering as opposed to demanding. It’s a step in the right direction at least.
“Never invoke what thou canst not banish.”
Is it healthy to be that much of a control freak? Really?
I can tell by the look on her face that the pieces are coming together. “Kiko” should really shut up.
Where did 10 yr old Kiko get that vocabulary? Mete out? Entity? Wielded? (did I spell that right?) He doesn’t talk like a kid.
He isn’t a kid any more. He has been waiting for a long time for vengeance. His spirit has aged, no matter the look of it.
I feel sorry for Kiko.
Kiko cant be what he claims.. he gose from wronged victem one second to smooth talking ass kisser the next.. no one switches gears that fast.aged spirt or not.. if it walks like a deamon talks like a deamon and acts like a deamon then its most likely a deamon.. he had his fangs pulled by franc somehow 7 years ago and he’s been looking for a way to get payback ever since… i mean look at the 2 sides of this… one one side we have franc hes tried everything he can think of to make this so called ‘wrong’ right even offered up the body ( which would make him a disenbodied spirt at best) then we have kiko wants only francs death no other offer is even considered.. WHY? what real gain dose he get from this… so he can move on/ if he allow other offers he might find a less nasty way to move on.. but he going with the screw the other guy as hard as i can option only…
I know many people who can go from angry and hateful to asskissing and sugary in less than a second. Admittedly, I’m usually about to go Tambourine Syndrome on them (shake and beat!), but the ability does exist. Its not a matter of demon or non demon, its a matter of sociopathic behavior, playing whatever role will get you to your goal the fastest. Its manipulation at its easiest.