The Lady’s remark here puts me in mind of her musings in the elders’ circle. Which is also the last time she shied away from exploring something… and which suggested there’s a layer of reality that makes Subrealm look as much an illusion as Senserealm. Could death in Subrealm be the same mechanism yet again? The mere loss of a shell, and its attendant parts of being?
BOOM! wow the lady jst got pwned 😛
I think its less to pwn the lady and more because Rona doesn’t know either.
Ah, Rona, you can be such an ass.
The Lady’s remark here puts me in mind of her musings in the elders’ circle. Which is also the last time she shied away from exploring something… and which suggested there’s a layer of reality that makes Subrealm look as much an illusion as Senserealm. Could death in Subrealm be the same mechanism yet again? The mere loss of a shell, and its attendant parts of being?