A Very Special Thank You…
Since the donate button was introduced Aug 30th, Twilight Lady has received a total of $20 in donations.
I’d like to personally thank Rotem from Israel, Adam from UK, Anson from Arizona, and Ralph from New Jersey for being the very first contributors to my virtual tip jar.
Only $20? That sucks, man. Are the readers THAT cheap? I feel compelled to drop a few bucks myself now 🙂
Every little bit helps. So don’t let me un-compel you. 😉
I click on banners on the site all the time, every visit… How much do you make when someone clicks on a Project Wonderful or some other banner? Is it too less compared to real $$$? I would want to contribute, but I have been holding back for some stupid reason!!
PW ads do not pay by number of clicks, but through a bidding process. If you click on the “Ads by Project Wonderful” link below the ads, you can see what each ad is making per day (ie. the winning bid).
All the same, thanks for clicking on the banners… especially the vote banner. You are including that, right? 🙂
Like I said, every bit helps… voting, donating, buying merch, commenting, and the one thing I value most of all – your continued readership.
A lot of webcomics i look at offer a free desktop wallpaper when someone donates, some do it for a set amount like a dollar or something, others don’t put a set price on it.
Just a friendly suggestion though i’m sure you’ve already thought about it. That and i have no idea how much revenue something like that would generate since i’m only a humble reader. D:
This is a great comic strip, definitely worth supporting. I’ll donate as soon as my “allowance envelope” gets some cash in it (probably Christmas).
Another comic I read uses a donation meter, and when it gets to $100 he does an extra page. That seems to work quite well.
Also, perhaps your donate button could be in a slightly more prominant place, like beneath the comic in the way the TWC one is.
Re: lack of donations, IMHO the placement of the Paypal buttons may have something to do with it. There’s quite a bit of advertising clutter around the button, making it likely that I’ll skim or ignore that part of the page (sorry). Also, my display requires me to scroll down to see that area, so I’m even less likely to see that area if I’m just surfing in for the comic. Adeline’s idea to move the Paypal button to just below the comic is a good one. The upper left or upper right corners of the page might also be good, especially if you can place the donate buttons away from any other ads.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
Well the “advertising clutter” has generated lots of income as well. Over $14 from mine alone and it’s not even the high bid at the moment. Continued success on a wonderful blog-comic.