Greetings all! I know it’s been awhile. The past few years have been an intense period of trial and reflection for many, including myself. Events around the world have compelled me to dive down a few rabbit holes and discover hidden truths more startling than even those that inspired my previous work.

I’m now recharged, reinvigorated, and ready to resume projects that had been on the backburner. And, of course, begin new ones.

What are the Corridor Realms?

They are the shared reality the comics on this site take place in. A reality much like ours would be if we dared to look a little deeper beneath, and beyond, the surface.

That’s what the About section of this site has always said.

Well, I feel we are entering an age where one no longer has to look very deep to discover the true nature of our shared reality. It will be out in the open, unavoidable. And frankly, I can’t wait. If there’s anything I’ve learned in life, it’s that truth is definitely stranger than fiction.

Are you ready to embrace the unknown?