… I realize that I’ve been going about promoting Twilight Lady the wrong way.

After the first 5-10 minutes, Inception is basically a fun caper movie cum psychological thriller with a fairly straightforward plot and POV. But all the hype surrounding the film seemed to be about how difficult it is to follow. (“You’ll have to see this movie 5 times to really get it. 5 TIMES!”) Sheer marketing genius.

Now, if you’ve ever tried describing Twilight Lady to anyone, I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a bit of a challenge. I usually keep it simple, so as not to scare people off by making it sound totally convoluted. “She’s kind of like Nikita but with supernatural abilities. Oh, and she’s a ghost. Sometimes…”

Like I said, maybe I’ve been approaching this the wrong way.

Next time you tell someone about this comic, I suggest using one or more of the following lines to entice ’em:

“It’s 1000 times more confusing than Inception, believe me!”

“Only starts to make sense after you read it for the 50th time. Backwards.”

“You’ll never figure out what this comic is about. Not until the day you die. Maybe not even then. PROMISE!”

“You thought Inception was incomprehensible? Wait’ll you read Twilight Lady!”

And so on, and so forth… (Feel free to make up your own.)