So why didn’t “Bequeath” wrap up the Lady’s hijinks in Rwahle, as I confidently but mistakenly stated, back when it first started?

You see, the way I had originally plotted out the issue, Rona and crew were supposed to head straight back to Senserealm. The Lady was supposed to head straight to Belahm’s lair and have that final confrontation with the Huntress that we’ve all been waiting for. End of story. End of arc.

But characters don’t always do what they’re supposed to. Sometimes, they take on a life of their own. That’s when a story more or less writes (rights?) itself. Knowing Rona, Perse, Zai, et al as I have gotten to (I did create them after all), and the way things had developed, there was simply no way they would meekly give up and head home. Likewise, the Lady just didn’t seem to me (and I’d like to think I know her pretty well too) like the type of heroine who would go charging into enemy territory without sufficient reason or motivation.

So, there you go. “Imprisoned Lightning” brings us the belated conclusion to the Rwahle arc, and I intend to make it worth the wait (and buildup). Maybe I could have gotten to this point a bit quicker, but Twilight Lady has never been about just getting to the action, has it? I suspect if you were looking for a comic that just cuts to the chase (or the shootout, or swordfight, or explosion, or fistfight) all the time, you would have looked elsewhere long ago.

No, this comic has always been about characters who live and breathe (at least to me). And sometimes write themselves. Who don’t always follow the plan laid out for them by their creator. And that’s okay… right?